1000 DPlay Send Failure: Busy 1001 DPlay Send Failure: Invalid Object 1002 DPlay Send Failure: Invalid Parameters 1003 DPlay Send Failure: Invalid Player 1004 DPlay Send Failure: Send Too Large 1005 Communications Error: Out of receive buffers 1006 DPlay Receive Failure: Buffer too small 1007 DirectDraw create failed 1008 SetCooperativeLevel failed 1009 SetDisplayMode failed 1010 Front buffer creation failed 1011 Backbuffer couldn't be obtained 1012 CreateClipper failed 1013 Clipper SetHwnd failed 1014 Clipper object couldn't be attached to the front buffer 1015 Ship surface 0 creation failed 1016 Ship surface 1 creation failed 1017 Ship surface 2 creation failed 1018 Ship surface 3 creation failed 1019 Number surface creation failed 1020 Surfaces couldn't be restored 1021 DirectInputCreate failed 1022 Enum keyboard devices failed 1023 Create keyboard device failed 1024 Set non-exclusive mode failed 1025 Keyboard acquire failed 1026 Player create failed 1027 Session join failed 1028 Session create failed 1029 Back buffer create failed 1030 DuelClass 1031 Unknown message 1032 Error Message 1033 Duel 1034 Times 1035 Communications Channel (1/3) 1036 Game Setup (2/3) 1037 Join Session (3/3) 1038 Host Session (3/3) 1039 Duel Setup 1040 Spacebar - Fire\nRight Arrow - Rotate right\nLeft Arrow - Rotate left\nUp Arrow - Forward\nDown Arrow - Backward\nNumPad 5 - Stop\nR - Reliable Messaging\nF1 - Help\nF5 - FPS\nESC or F12 - Quit\n\nCommand line parameters\n\n-e Use emulator\n\n 1041 LoadImage failed. Handle is NULL. 1042 DDCopyBitmap failed 1043 CreateCompatibleDC failed 1044 Session guid couldn't be obtained from the parent item 1045 Set keyboard data format failed 1046 DirectPlay object create failed 1047 Could not load WAVE resource. 1048 Could not duplicate a sound buffer for new ship 1049 You have been disconnected from the session 1050 Get player local data failed 1051 Set player local data failed 1052 Get player remote data failed 1053 Set player remote data failed 1054 Get session description failed 1055 Enumerate players failed 1056 Enumerate sessions failed 1058 DirectPlay Close failed 1060 DirectPlay Release failed 1061 Destroy player failed 1062 DirectPlayLobby Release failed 1064 DirectPlayLobby GetConnectionSettings failed 1065 DirectPlayLobby SetConnectionSettings failed 1066 DirectPlayLobby Create failed 1067 DirectPlayLobby Connect failed 1068 Duel (Host) 1069 Duel (Host, Reliable) 1070 Duel (Reliable) 1071 Slave 1500 No power chosen 1501 Angelic Power chosen 1502 Selected 1503 ---God Mode On--- 1504 ---God Mode Off--- 1505 Push 1506 Pentecost 1507 Brimstone 1508 Bloodboil 1509 Lightning 1510 Plague 1511 To Salt 1512 Shockwave 1513 Protect 1514 Heal 1515 Deflect 1516 Holy Light 1517 Banish 1518 Enhanced Speed 1519 Walk on Water 1520 Fly 1521 Teleport 1522 Warp Time 1523 Heal Other 1524 Insist 1525 Resurrect 1526 Reanimate 1527 Possess 1528 Create Rift 1530 Bound 1531 Left Click 1532 Right Click 1550 There... the explosives are in place. 1551 Yo, Phil 1552 Hey, Phil 1553 Are you there, Phil 1554 Yeah, Phil, I'm talkin' to you 1555 Pay attention, Erik... 1556 This is for your benefit, too 1559 Message 9 1560 Message 10 1561 Message 11 1562 Message 12 1563 Message 13 1564 Message 14 1565 Message 15 1566 Message 16 1567 Message 17 1568 Message 18 1569 Message 19 1570 Message 20 1571 Message 21 1572 Message 22 1573 Message 23 1574 Message 24 1580 Essence is Low 1581 Not Enough Essence 1582 Charge Too Weak 1597 Level completed 1598 Loading... 1599 If we were in the game we'd load this ==> 1600 Forward 1601 Backward 1602 Move Left 1603 Move Right 1604 Jump/Up 1605 Crouch/Down 1606 Rotate Left 1607 Rotate Right 1608 Look Up 1609 Look Down 1610 Look Center 1611 Run 1612 Strafe 1613 Free Look 1614 Fire 1615 Use Bound Power 1616 Use Maneuver 1617 Use Interactive 1618 Cycle Weapons 1619 Cycle Wpns Down 1620 Cycle Powers 1621 Cycle Off Down 1622 Cycle Defnsv Up 1623 Cycle Def Down 1624 Cycle Mnvr Up 1625 Cycle Mnvr Down 1626 Cycle Intrct Up 1627 Cycle Int Down 1628 Cycle Invtry Up 1629 Cycle Inv Down 1630 Talk/Activate 1631 Powers Menu 1632 Console Mode 1633 Handgun 1634 Assault Rifle 1635 Combat Shotgun 1636 GrenadeLauncher 1637 Rocket Launcher 1638 Sniper Rifle 1639 Railgun 1640 --- 1641 --- 1642 Hand 1643 Push 1644 Pentecost 1645 Brimstone 1646 Bloodboil 1647 Lightning 1648 Locusts 1649 To Salt 1650 Shockwave 1651 Heal 1652 Deflect 1653 Holy Light 1654 Banish 1655 --- 1656 Speed 1657 Walk on Water 1658 Flight 1659 Timewarp 1660 --- 1661 Healer 1662 Insist 1663 Resurrect 1664 Possession 1665 Create Rift 1666 Increase Screen 1667 Decrease Screen 1668 Increase Map 1669 Decrease Map 1670 Toggle Map 1671 Toggle Text 1672 Show Info 1673 NO COMMAND 1674 Unused 1675 Frwrd/Back 1676 Weapon U/D 1677 Offensive U/D 1678 Defensive U/D 1679 Maneuver U/D 1680 Interactive U/D 1681 Inventory U/D 1697 Easy 1698 Medium 1699 Hellish 1700 Always Run 1701 Mouse Free Look 1702 Invert Mouse 1703 Mouse Sensitivity 1704 Mouse Z Control: 1705 Brightness 1706 Show Crosshairs 1707 Show Shadows(H/W only) 1708 Sound Volume 1709 Dialog Volume 1710 Music Volume 1711 Audible Footsteps 1712 Connection Type 1713 Game Configurations 1714 Game Title 1715 LOAD 1716 1717 Texture List: 1718 GENERIC 1719 CHOSEN 1720 FALLEN 1721 MALE 1722 FEMALE 1723 RED 1724 GREEN 1725 BLUE 1726 YELLOW 1727 ORANGE 1730 NewGame 1731 DeathMatch 1732 Arena 1733 BFA / CTF 1734 Team-Arena 1735 Team-DM 1736 Game Type: 1737 Edit Configuration... 1738 Levels: 1739 ADD 1740 Map Loop: 1741 Score Limit: 1742 Time Limit: 1743 Max #Players: 1744 Max #Teams: 1745 Auto-Team Assignment 1746 Weapons... 1747 Angelic Powers... 1748 Save As: 1779 Malachi 1780 Peter 1781 Gabriel 1782 Michael 1783 Luke 1784 Lucifer 1785 Beelzebub 1786 Belial 1787 Tryxinos 1788 Mammon 1789 Teresa 1790 Mary 1791 Agnes 1792 Jennifer 1793 Genevieve 1794 Lilith 1795 Lilith2 1796 Lilith3 1797 Lilith4 1798 Geryon 2000 Duct Pass 2001 MedLab Pass 2002 Armor 2003 Phone 2004 Food 2005 Papers 2006 Mezuzah 2007 Ammo 2008 Blood 2009 Aaron's Eyes 2010 Police ID 2011 Medkit 2012 Handgun 2013 Assault Rifle 2014 Combat Shotgun 2015 Grenade Launcher 2016 Rocket Launcher 2017 Sniper Rifle 2018 Nonfunctional Railgun 2019 Railgun 2020 Railgun Component 2021 Explosives 2022 Battle Plans 2023 Power Plant Layout 2024 Rockets 2025 Shells 2026 Energy Cells 2100 Descend to Creation 2101 Find Jonah's Pub 2102 Get access papers 2103 Find the Paradise Hotel 2104 Find Elijah 2105 Find entrance to tower on roof 2106 Find and free Judith 2107 Deliver Judith to Jonah's 2108 Get blood at hospital 2109 Find entrance to the sewers 2110 Find the Rebel Base 2111 Deliver blood to Judith 2112 Get Power Plant layout 2113 Deliver plans to Victor at Refugee Camp 2114 Banish Aaron 2115 Find Aaron's lost eyes 2116 Get Railgun 2117 Find Air Duct to return to Rebel Base 2118 Meet with Rebel Leader 2119 Revive Judith 2120 Defeat Lilith 2121 Make way to Portal 2122 Find entrance to Power Plant 2123 Blow up generator 2124 Find alternate route to Rebel Base 2125 Make contact with Cathcart 2126 Ride subway to Citadel 2127 Take Dropship to Leviathan 2128 Find entrance to Engine Core 2129 Get code for tram 2130 Destroy Leviathan 2131 Defeat Lucifer